The developed technology is a preliminary-design prediction and analysis capability applicable to configurations operating in post-stall flow
conditions. The approach is a direct coupling of fluid dynamics and flight mechanics for use in the
flight regimes where the flow phenomena are dominated by vorticity and separation associated with high angles of
attack and rapid motions. The resulting method, embodied in a computer code called SHAMAN, is applicable to
generic configurations, it is not dependent on specific empirical information, and it is economical to use. It can be
used as a prediction capability for specified vehicle motions or flow conditions, or it can be coupled with a
six-degree-of-freedom equation-of-motion solver to predict flight trajectories and transient performance
characteristics. Post-stall flight regimes are handled with empirical correlations of wing data. The method is
validated by comparison with static and dynamic wind tunnel data on a variety of wing-alone and wing-body configurations
Commercial Applications: The SHAMAN code has application to the preliminary design and analysis of aircraft configurations in unsteady motions. It can also be used for subsonic unsteady aerodynamic analysis of configurations at high angle of attack, post-stall conditions.
Perkins, S. C. and Mendenhall, M. R., "Prediction of Post-Stall Aerodynamic Characteristics of Maneuvering Aircraft." AIAA Paper 99-3115, presented at the 17th Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Jun. 28 - Jul. 1, 1999, Norfolk, VA.